How to create a new Type from an existing Type and with dynamic keys in TypeScript

I have created a defined Type in TypeScript, but I want to create a new with new fields, or dynamic fields.

Is this possible? The answer is yes!

Let’s get started on how to!

Here’s an existing type:

type LifeStyles =
        type: 'active'
    | {
        type: 'healthy'
    | {
        type: 'Solo'
    | {
        type: 'nomadic'

const result: LifeStyles = {
    type: 'active'

The code above is an example of what an object can look like. We have multiple lifestyles, and now I want to create a new type that allows dynamic Id’s according to the type.

The first step is to create a new Type in TypeScript:

type LifeStyleWithId = {
    [LifeStylesType in LifeStyles['type']]: {}

What the code above does so far is, it’s transforming a union to another union by using the in operator as a for-loop.

So far the, the type is transformed to look like this:

const result: LifeStyleWithId = {
    active: {},
    healthy: {},
    Solo: {},
    nomadic: {},

The goal is to keep the type field and add a new dynamic field ${type}Id. The new field will be a dynamic field, depending on the type.

type LifeStyleWithId = {
    [LifeStylesType in LifeStyles['type']]: {
        type: LifeStylesType

The code above now turns LifeStyleWithId into a union, which it creates objects into with these possible outputs:

type LifeStyleWithId = {
    type: "active";
} | {
    type: "healthy";
} | {
    type: "Solo";
} | {
    type: "nomadic";

Now let’s create dynamic a key field inside the type LifeStyleWithId. To help us accomplish this, we’re going to use the Record and string interpolation to help us create dynamic fields.

type LifeStyleWithId = {
    [LifeStylesType in LifeStyles['type']]: {
        type: LifeStylesType
    } & Record<`${LifeStylesType}Id`,string>

That’s it! Now you can have these potential outcomes when assigning a variable with a type LifeStyleWithId.

const a: LifeStyleWithId = {
    type: 'active',
    activeId: '12312'

const b: LifeStyleWithId = {
    type: 'healthy',
    healthyId: '12312'

const c: LifeStyleWithId = {
    type: 'nomadic',
    nomadicId: '12312'

const d: LifeStyleWithId = {
    type: 'Solo',
    SoloId: '12312'

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